
  1. Policies For Replacement and Warranty Claims

    TechMate is here to provide the wide range of IT Equipment and Gadgets to its customer under one roof its like a One Window Solution for anyone who posses the knowledge about the authenticity of the product or not, our quality control team take care of it, we examine the product before you. As TechMate is not Manufacturer of any product, we are reseller for the product so warranty is not our responsibility. TechMate has the policy of building life long relationships and value hard earned money of its customers, therefore we have also some replacement policy for you please go through all the conditions. However different products comes different warranty policies. 1- Checking Warranty. 2-Fort-Night Warranty. 3-International Warranty. 4-Local Warranty

  2. Original Invoice

    For any warranty claim the original invoice is required, if the original invoice has been lost we are not liable to provide duplicate invoices. its customer responsibility to keep the invoice as long as the product is in warranty. The Manufacturer / Supplier / Distributors reserves the right to accept or reject the claim if invoice is missing.

  3. Warranty Card

    If the product comes with the "WARRANTY CARD" then the customer should ensure that he/she receives the same along with the invoice, else our customer support Centre will not be liable for the any problems in warranty claims.

  4. Check at Counter

    It is strongly recommended that customers should check the product before leaving our counter, as warranty begins once the receipt has been generated. In case of any problem, the product will be treated in a normal warranty claim process.

  5. Manufacturer /Supplier/ Distributor Right

    The manufacturer/supplier/distributor reserves the right to reject any claim whereby the product/component is broken or shows signs of burning, rust due to weather conditions.

  6. Checking Warranty

    Product Under this category`s Warranty will not be entertained for any issue if occurs after leaving the counter / store , however our quality control department check the product before we put that for sales but its customer`s responsibility to check the product is free from any defect and its fully functional.

  7. Fort Night Warranty

    Product Under this category`s Warranty will be entertained for maximum of 14 Calendar Days i.e. inclusive of public holidays and weekly holidays. However the claim is subjected to the resolution only. As the product which falls in this category are normally of used nature. we offer Replacement or 100% Refund if any claim occurs in first 2 days of Purchase.

  8. International Warranty

    TechMate is not liable to provide any claims for products with an international warranty. However We offer you 7 days Replacement policy if any claim occurs in 1st 7 days of purchase for which customers need to provide original invoice otherwise this facility could not be exercised by the customer.

  9. 7 Days Replacement under International Warranty

    1- Customer need to justify any issue if occurs. 2-Product needed to be in scratch less condition as its only 7 days of use, if product is damaged the 7 days replacement is null and void. 3-if claim is valid then same product will be replaced however if another unit of the particular product is not available customer has to wait for the product or accept the refund with deduction if any, subject to market value of returned product. 4- Change of Mind is not applicable in any of the case.

  10. Local Warranty

    Product Under this category`s Warranty usually comes with the warranty card and the customers will have to visit the authorized warranty center, TechMate will not take any product to any of the warranty center. as the customer have the local warranty by distributor or manufacturer.

  11. Local Warranty

    Product Under this category`s Warranty usually comes with the warranty card and the customers will have to visit the authorized warranty center, TechMate will not take any product to any of the warranty center. as the customer have the local warranty by distributor or manufacturer.